Bracknell Ice Skating Club - Ice Dance Competition Final Results
The following competition was run by the Bracknell Ice Skating Club Wendesday 14th July 2004 6:15pm
A great competition - with what a result in the drawn partners - was it going to be the Sumo wrestler or Bob the Builder - well, Jayne and Olivia triumphed!.
Thanks very much to all those who took part, and all those who helped! A special thanks to David, Jayne, Wendy and Stacey - hope you enjoyed it!
As always, feedback is welcome to
The classes and results were as follows:
1 - Canasta Tango
1 Rachel Kellas2 Eleanor Jarvis
3 Robyn Vaughn
4 Seren Tudor
5 Amy Barnes
6 Paul Dredge
7 Stephanie Francis
2 - 14 step
1 Hayley Salmon2 Sadie Robbins
3 Eleanor Jarvis
3 - Willow Waltz
1 Fiona Piggott2 Rebecca Forsyth
3 Charlotte Hester
4 Claire Miller
5 Eleanor Jarvis
4 - Blues
1 Christopher Hockaday2 Helen Ingram
3 Fiona Piggott
4 Claire Miller
5 - Tango
1 Richard Boaden2 Rebecca Forsyth
3 Christopher Hockaday
4 Michelle Bannister
5 Leah Rogers
6 Sarah Johnson
6 - 1m30 Free dance
1 Fiona Piggott2 Rebecca Forsyth
3 Claire Miller
4 Charlotte Hester
5 Sadie Robbins
6 Hayley Salmon
7 - 2m Free dance
1 Michelle Bannister2 Helen Ingram
3 Richard Boaden
4 Christopher Hockaday
5 Leah Rogers
8 - Drawn partners
1 Jayne Campbell and Olivia Dick2 David Phillips and Charlotte Hester
3 Wendy Day and Christopher Hockaday
Winner of prize for best fancy dress was Charlotte Hester - as Dennis the Menace!