Bracknell Ice Skating CLub

 BISC  Archives - Bonny Garner 2007

Bracknell Ice Skating Club Bonny Garner Competition 27th March 2007,

The following Dance competition were run by the Bracknell Ice Skating Club commencing at 5pm

Click here for the results

Below is the original class entry information....


Feedback is welcome to


- All entrants must be members of Bracknell Ice Skating Club.
- NISA standard as at the closing date.
- The competition is open to all members aged 21 and under and may be further sub-divided by age.
- The closing date for entries is 6.00pm Tuesday 20th March, the draw will follow in the café.
- Please note that classes may be split or combined depending on the number of entrants.
- Please refer to the Bracknell Open Competition technical requirements for elements permitted and elements to
   be included at each level.
- If you would like to enter a higher level class because of your programme length, please talk to Karen Clarke.
- Please note that skaters can only enter one class.
- In the case of there being too many entries for the time available, entries received after the closing date will be - subject to availability. In the case of there being too many entries prior to the closing date, the maximum
   number will be drawn out of a hat. Priority will be given to the lower level entrants.

Trophy Type Class Standard Criteria Length
Garner Trophy 1 Beginner (under level 1) Skaters must not have passed level 1 elements or free. 1 minute 30 seconds, +/- 5 seconds
2 Level 1 (under level 2) Skaters must not have passed level 2 elements or free 1 minute 30 seconds, +/- 5 seconds
Jon Bonny Cup 3 Level 2 (under level 3) Skaters must not have passed level 3 elements or free 1 minute 30 seconds, +/- 5 seconds
4 Level 3 (under level 4) Skaters must not have passed level 4 elements or free 1 minute 30 seconds, +/- 5 seconds
The Novice Cup 5 Level 4 (under level 5) Skaters must not have passed level 5 elements or free 2 minutes, +/- 5 seconds
6 Level 5 (under level 6) Skaters must not have passed level 6 elements or free 2 minutes, +/- 5 seconds
The Bracknell Cup 7 Level 6 (under level 7) Skaters must not have passed level 7 elements or free 2 minutes 30 seconds, +/- 10 seconds
8 Level 7 and over No maximum standard Any length programme

- Entry forms are available from either your coach, the club folder, the club table or can be downloaded here.
- The entry fee is £4 per class.
- Please give entry forms and entry fees to Karen Clarke or put in the club folder.
- (Any cheques payable to "Bracknell Ice Skating Club")