Bracknell Ice Skating CLub

BISC Archives - National Team Challenge 2010

National Team Challenge 2010

This year's NTC took take place on Sunday 27 June 2010 at Lee Valley ice rink.

Congratulations to all our skaters who represented Bracknell in the National Team Challenge yesterday at an exceptionally warm Lee Valley ice rink! A fantastic result and well deserved for such a team of talented skaters!

Individual skaters achieved either 1st or 2nd place in their classes with a 3rd place for the show number beating our nearest rivals of Basingstoke and Lee Valley by two points so podium positions for everyone!

Team spirit was very much evidence and along with our magnificent supporters certainly helped cheer our team to victory!

Special thanks to Jo Armitage to overseeing costumes for the show number and to Jo Armitage, Mary Crawford, Laura Hetebrij, Toni Barratt and Anna Butler for making such fabulous costumes. Thanks to Malcolm Ellis for props, Paul Minchinton for music, Suzanne Alabaster for make up, Sarah Payne and Emma Wakefield for organising transport and to Laura Hetebrij, Christine Piggott and Karen Clarke for an ace team selection - couldn't have been better!

Many thanks to Stacey Bullock and Natasha Moody for coaching the show number and for supporting everyone throughout what was a very long day and to Hannah Hetebrij as team captain.

Finally a huge 'thank you' to Laura Hetebrij for all the liaison and organisation necessary for Bracknell to take part in the National Team Challenge event.

Well done everyone - you were brilliant!!!

View the National Team Challenge Web Site for full results.

National team challenge contact point: