b       Bracknell Ice Skating Club Email Newsflash August 2014

Laura's saturday morning Pilates classes will re-start on Sat 6th September and run for six weeks (until Sat 11th Oct).  The classes are £3 / session and are 8.45am-9.30am.  They are help upstairs in hospitality and are on a pay as you go basis.  Pilates is a fantastic exercise for helping improve strength and flexibility, and is highly recommended for ice-skaters.


As Laura is now approaching her baby's due date we would like to hold a mobile phone contact number for those wishing to attend the classes.  This is so the group can be informed quickly and easily if the class needs to be cancelled at short notice.


If you are considering attending Pilates this term please can you email your mobile phone number to armitage.joanne@gmail.com with the subject Pilates.  Your numbers will then be passed on to Laura for her information group.  Registering your number only means that you are hoping to attend the classes this term and would need to know if they are cancelled and is not a commitment to attend.




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