b       Bracknell Ice Skating Club Email Newsflash - December 2014



I just wanted to say a huge thank you to you all for delivering yet another wonderful panto. I was immensely proud of all the skaters – a brilliant performance.

Also to chaperoning – a hard job but well done, cues all met and a brilliant atmosphere in those changing rooms!

It has been a privilege working with you all again this year and well done to all new helpers.  – it’s been fantastic having you on board 

The panto received excellent feedback from the public and VIP’s, and I would like to extend a special thank you to wardrobe, make up  and scenery. The visual effect was stunning as of course was the choreography and skating.

The date for return of washed Panto costumes is Thursday 18th December, 5pm - 7pm.  The collection will take place in the Family Bar.  You are expected to return your complete costume in a clean condition; your returned items will be checked against your costume issuing form.  If items have been lost or broken, you will be charged the cost of replacing them; please note we are aware of the 'less than brand-new' condition of some of the items and this will be accounted for so please do not worry.  The general advice for washing costumes is hand-wash at a cool temperature and do not tumble dry.

This date is also the club Christmas party, 5-6pm on ice and 6-7pm party games in Honies.

If you are unable to attend on this evening please contact armitage.joanne@gmail.com so we are aware that you will not return your costume on that evening and can make arrangements for you to bring it in to one of the wardrobe helpers.  Please note under no circumstances should any costume be left in the pod or handed in at reception.  

We will email you later with instructions re collecting your complimentary photograph taken at Thursdays performance.

You should have received a DVD order form with your programme. You should complete this and leave it with payment at reception for the attention of: Josie Brynes

I would like to wish you all a very Happy Christmas and New year, and here is looking forward to next year’s panto!

Jacqui Adams, Panto Director

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