b       Bracknell Ice Skating Club Email Newsflash July 2014

In recognition of you or your child taking part in solo or couples competitions away from the Bracknell area BISC are offering a one off contribution of £30 towards competition expenses, provided the following criteria have been met: 

1      The skater must have been a BISC member at 31 December 2013.

2      The skater must have represented Bracknell at the event.

3      The skater must have been trained for the event at Bracknell by a Bracknell coach.

4      The event must be outside a 25 radius miles of Bracknell Ice Rink.

5      The skater has not made another claim for this award during the current BISC membership year ie 1 August 2013 – 31 July 2014 inclusive.

Please CLICK HERE for more details.  All claims to be submitted by Friday 15 August 2014 at the latest.


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