b       Bracknell Ice Skating Club Email Newsflash - January 2015


The club is launching a Facebook information page as an alternative method of communicating with members.  Information similar to that sent in newsflashes will be posted to the group.  This information will still continue to be sent out by newsflash and also posted on out website but this is to address a repeated request by some of our members for this style of communication.


This is for BISC members and members parents only, if you would like to join please search for Bracknell Ice Skating Club (BISC) on Facebook and request to join.  Once your club membership has been confirmed an admin will then accept you. Once in the group you can recommend other members but again they will need to be accepted before seeing the content.  The postings to the group are for information only, you will not be allowed to share, comment or post anything on this group.


Thank you


This Newsflash email was sent by Bracknell Ice Skating Club. It is a non-reply distribution list.
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