b       Bracknell Ice Skating Club Email Newsflash - January 2015




We would like to encourage any skaters on tonight's patch session to stay and cheer on Bracknell Fusion Mixed Age team for a few practice run throughs, to give them an audience before this weekend's British Synchronised Skating Championships.

This is the first time the current team will have skated in front of an audience, as they have not long been together. 


We would like to encourage any skaters who are doing the scheduled dance club lesson tomorrow night to stay and cheer on Bracknell Fusion Basic Novice team for a few practice run throughs, to give them an audience before this weekend's British Synchronised Skating Championships.

This is the first time the team has skated together in front of an audience as this is a new category for Bracknell.  Basic Novice is and International category.

Thank you for your support,

Bracknell Fusion Synchronised Skating Teams

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