b       Bracknell Ice Skating Club Email Newsflash - May 2015


If Your Daughter/Son is 10 years old or over (no age limit)
Has their level 1 NISA Field Moves or above (no limit)
Would love to be part of an exciting team sport
Make lots of new friends
Go away with the teams to competitions (lots of fun)

Then come and give Synchro a go!
2 FREE trials 6:15-8:15pm Friday nights
Start trial on a Friday night that suits you but must be consecutive
preferably before the end of June, but before summer holidays essential

NOW is the time to try it, New season and new routines being created soon!

We have an exciting Sychnro Coaching Line Up

Terri Smith (Level 3 coach) Started up the very successful Synchro on the Isle of Wight
Terri's assistant Issy (Level 1 coach and Synchro Skater herself)
Hannah Hetebrij our own Bracknell Level 2 coach

We also need skaters for the Adult team, 18 years and over
Preferably can skate equivalent to NISA level 1 but Passport Levels acceptable 
Test passes are not required

New team we would like to start in September
Under 15's, UK Skate level 10 and above
Trials to be held early September

Please contact Team Managers:
Jennifer Giannitto on jgiannitto@Hotmail.com
or for the Adult team Corrina Haylett on

2 nights are FREE, why not give it a go?

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