b       Bracknell Ice Skating Club Email Newsflash - February 2017

Hi everyone.


We are hoping to continue running off ice classes with JW Training again for this half term starting this coming Saturday between 8.45am and 9.45 am in the family bar).  The course for this half term, will run for 5 weeks at a cost of £30 per person payable in full directly to the course leader during the first class.  Please also note that adults also take part in these sessions.


This is an excellent opportunity for a weekly session with JW training focusing on stamina, fitness, flexibility and core strength.


In order for it to run for the next five weeks, we will need to have enough interest in the class.  To that end, if you are interested please could you email Stacey (Stacey.bullock@btopenworld.com) by noon tomorrow (24th February 2017).  If you have already informed her of your interest, you do not need to do this again.


Kind regards.



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