b       Bracknell Ice Skating Club Email Newsflash -  March 2019


Bracknell Ice Skating Club - Synchro Skating


Synchronized skating is a sport where between eight and twenty figure skaters (depending on the level) perform together as a team. They move as a flowing unit at high speed over the ice, while completing complicated footwork. We train all year round ready for competition season from October March, training on and off ice.

The last few years all teams have competed in many competitions including the British Championships, also gaining several medals. We have even recently made it into the newspapers, BBC sport and iPlayer.

If this sounds like something, youd enjoy please contact the relevant teams as listed below and come along for a free try out.


Junior B – Skaters are required to have minimum NISA level4 field moves and need to be between ages 13-18 years. They train on Friday evenings 17:00- 18:45.

Preliminary Team – Skaters are required to have passed Bronze passport and under 21 years old.  They train on Friday evenings 17:45- 18:45.


Both teams also train off ice after these sessions leading up to competitions.

For information on Junior B and Preliminary Teams please contact:

Teams Manager: Bev Winspur

Email: beverleywinspur@yahoo.co.uk



Adults- Skaters are required to have Gold Passport and be over 18. They train on Thursday nights 20:30 -21:30.

Contact details Team co-ordinator Penny Clarke

Email penny_clarke@icloud.com







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