Skate Club Merchandise Pricing
Start the new skating season off with The New Style Club Jackets. They are available to order and come in a variety of styles and coloured piping. Please email: for more details.
The jacket is available to club members. It comes in three designs. Sizes range from children to adults as well as come in semi-fitted or fitted styles.
The cost is £35.00 plus postage. You may added your name on the jacket for a small additional cost.

Club Skate Sales
The skate club runs skate sales on Saturday mornings during group lesson ice time about once a month where you can buy second hand skates, blades and outfits at considerably reduced prices; you may also sell your surplus kit via the club skate sales (Please mark all items with your name and price, club takes 10% of sale price as commission).
See here for more details about skate sales including the date and time of the next sale.
Tuesday Evening Club Table
Our club table is usually operated during the Tuesday evening club sessions, and on some Saturday mornings during the skating courses. The table sells a range of skate accessories and club items; you can also talk to club members about club activities and get advice on many ice skating related issues.
NISA Passports
Bracknell Ice Skating Club no longer sell NISA Passports directly. NISA passports are now purchased from the Rink shop.