Bracknell Ice Skating CLub

Bracknell Ice Skating Club - Glossary Of Terms

Glossary of BISC Skating  and General Terms

This page includes descriptions of a number of common general terms used by the Bracknell Ice Skating Club (BISC). Some mybe IT related, but will hopefully help you as you navigate around our web sites.

If you have any questions with any of this terminology or indeed the web site in general please don't hesitate to contact the Web Master Via the contact form.


Bracknell Ice Rink run special "academy" courses designed specifically for skaters that have passed all of the Rink tests and are working either for NISA Passport or any higher level NISA test. The academy courses are run by the rink and not the club so are open to non BISC members, although most participants are also members. The courses are split into groups depending on skaters levels and run for 6-7 weeks at a time. Contact Bracknell Ice Rink for details of the academy courses and requirements to take part. Academy places must be booked at least 24 hours before the commencement of the first session.


BISC have a "newsflash" mailing list for alerting members to schedule changes, competition reminders, requests for help with activities etc.. If you are a BISC member want to receive newsflashes then send an email asking to be added to the newsflash list to:

Password Protected Area

As many of the BISC newsletters and photographs include pictures of children these items are located on a "password protected" site. The username / password is freely available to any BISC members and can be obtained by emailing: requesting the username / password for the "BISC gallery". Please include details of your BISC membership with the request.


Short for patch ice. The ice time at the rink is divided into different types of session. Patch Ice is the term used for sessions which can be used by figure skaters to practice or have private lessons. For safety reasons only skaters who have reached a certain minimum standard are allowed on such sessions. The patch time itself may also be noted in the timetable as for specific skate levels, or for priority of specific skate levels. Click here for details of skating levels.

Patch Voucher

Patch Ice is generally charged on a pay as you go basis where you should pay for patch time before you use it. However BISC members have the option to buy a "Patch Voucher" in the first few days of the month. For a one off fee this covers all use of Patch Ice for the entire month. The patch voucher MUST be purchased at the start of the month. The voucher covers use of club patch and rink patch sessions.

Adobe PDF Files

PDF is a file format commonly used to hold preformatted text, pictures and graphics. This format comes from Adobe Acrobat and is used for many of our news bulletins, newsletters, competition rules and entry forms. PDF files and can be read using a freely available Adobe Reader. If you want to read the PDF documents on this site please download the reader from the above link (if you do not have it already).

Microsoft Word .doc Files

Very similar to PDF files, these are files associated with Microsoft Office which is very commonly used to the majority of PC's today. Similar to PDF, We have tried to save competition entry form files in this format (.doc) in case you are unable or unfamiliar with installing the free Adobe Reader.